we're getting closer....here are some pics showing the progress:
both above from the first 'decadance' committee meeting. zoe and richard peachey; chris and marianne chilco (see the post "marching on" for another artwork prep photo.
the band rehearsing in april - julian, ron, the two pauls, zoe; john deehan missing
paul greco, julian, ron way in the back, john, paul chilco, zoe - the may rehearsal
the women's chrous - haliburton |
women's chorus, toronto basia and maureen |
toronto chorus: rena, lucy, beatrice, back of judy |
toronto chorus: zoe, julia
and judy from the front:
and now for the 'hair today, gone tomorrow':
all those years of long hair - just like that: gone.
and the CD front cover. the CD being manufactured as i type:
BETHERE!! JULY 29, 2015 8PM